Creative Corner
Watercolor by Alnitak Capella
The first time I heard the term “creative practice,” it kind of struck me. Creativity was all of a sudden right up there with spirituality, meditation, and yoga - something you engage in regularly and possibly for the purpose of communing more deeply with…well everything. But who has the time? If you’re like me, creativity is always the last thing on the list of to-do’s and the first thing to fall off when stuff gets real. But we all know it’s vital to our well-being. We’re creators, after all, weaving the fabric of our lives daily. Creating a life can seem daunting, but we can take it one painting, one poem, one short story, one song, one sketch, one coloring book at a time, throwing in a career change or kitchen renovation from time to time.
Make space for your creative practice with this monthly co-working, or better yet, co-playing session! Bring the tools you’ll need to read, doodle, color, paint, or for whatever your creative jam may be, and maybe a beverage or some snacks, and let’s relax and create together. No pressure…we’re just having fun. I may also share a bit of inspiration from time to time as well. If you’d like to share what’s coming to life, by all means, and if you’re contented just being in the zone, that’s great too! Mute yourself and play your favorite music or chat away. It’s all welcome! For more information on meeting dates and times and to join, visit House Lovely and check out the calendar of events or sign up for these sessions and more below!