Books by Paige Cody
Soul nourishing, paradigm shifting, change making experiences needn’t take a long time or come hard. In these meetings, we read a book chapter, a poem or two, a short story, the lyrics of a song, a blog post, a magazine article, a personal essay, or maybe a novella if we get really daring. The only criteria is that the work be short, beautiful, and deeply nourishing.
February’s Selections:
Quote from Edge of Wonder by Victoria Erickson: “Consider soulmates to also be in the form of friends and animals, the wind, the tides, the plants, pieces of art, and the moon. Great love lives everywhere.”
My Daughter’s Inheritance by Nikita Gill (<5 min read)
Thank you Ma’am by Langston Hughes (<10 min read)
On Love by Khalil Gibran (<5 min read)